

Q: I did not receive a confirmation or tracking email.
A: Please be sure to check your junk/ spam folder as these emails may go directly to this folder. If you think you entered the incorrect email address at the checkout, please contact our customer care team and they will be able to update and resend this email for you.

Q: Where can I find my order number?
A: Your order number can be found in your confirmation email

Q: Where are the items delivered from?
A: Our Dresses our delivered from ours Melbourne store.

Q: How can I cancel my order?
A: Unfortunately, once an order has been finalised, we cannot guarantee that this can be cancelled.

Q: I have ordered the wrong item; can this be changed?
A: Unfortunately, once an order has been finalised, we cannot guarantee that any changes can be made to your order. If you urgently require a change, we suggest contacting our customer care team as soon as possible.

Q: Can I change my address?
A: If you have placed your order using the incorrect address, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Please note we cannot guarantee that any changes can be made to your order.

Q: I have received items that I did not order.
A: If you have received an item you did not order, the incorrect size or colour, please contact our customer care team.

Q: I am missing items from my order
A: If you are missing an item from your order, get in contact with our customer care team

Q: I have received a faulty item
A: If you believe you have received a faulty item, please get in contact with our customer care team.

Q: Do you process exchanges?
A: Unfortunately, we are unable to process exchanges online as we cannot guarantee that the requested items will be available upon return, and we are unable to hold items.

Q: Can I be refunded the price difference?
A: Unfortunately, if the item you purchased is now on sale, we are not able to refund the price difference for this item.

Q: Where do you ship to?
A: We ship to most international locations!

Q: How much is shipping?
A: We ship worldwide and provide various shipping methods; the cost of shipping depends on the location of the receiver.

Q: My tracking indicates that my order has been delivered
A: Your parcel may be automatically left in a safe location, please be sure to check your mailbox and surrounding areas, If you are still unable to locate your order, please get in contact with the courier as soon as possible, as they will be able to clarify where your parcel has been delivered to and where the driver has left your order.

Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: We aim to dispatch all orders placed before the order cut off within the same business day!

Q: When will I receive my tracking details?
A: Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email including your tracking information after 6pm AEST.

Q: How do I return my order?
A: The order can be returned to our Melbourne store. Once received, we will notify you and investigate your claim further.

Q: Can I return more than one order in the same parcel?
A: Yes! Please contact our customer service team with both order numbers and the items you are returning.

Q: Have you received my return?
A: Once we have received and processed your return, we will be in contact with you via email. Please note we usually ask to allow around 2-5 business days for processing, once your return has been delivered back at our warehouse.

Q: How do I track my return order?
A: If you received a label from us, your return tracking number will be on the label that you were emailed. If you are not eligible for a return label and have posted your return at your expense, we strongly recommend obtaining/recording tracking on your return parcel, as we cannot check the status of the parcel and process a return without physical goods or proof of delivery.

Q: Are your clothes in AU/US or UK sizing
A: All our items are in Australian sizing, unless stated otherwise in the product description.

Q: Where can I find the size guide?
A: You can view our size chart
4 (XXS) 0 4 32
6 (XS) 2 6 34
8 (S) 4 8 36
10 (M) 6 10 38
12 (L) 8 12 40
14 (XL) 10 14 42
16 (XXL) 12 16 44
18 (XXXL) 14 18 46

As we stock a range of different designers and suppliers, sizing can vary between each brand. We encourage you to read the garment description and check the size and fit details outlined for each individual product, as the sizing tab is not specific to each product.

Q: I can’t log into my account
A: Please get in touch with our team at enquiries@redcarpetboutique.com.au and we will be able to check if you have an active account.

Q: The website isn’t working?
A: If you are facing any issues with the website, we would suggest clearing your cache/browsing history, then to restart your device. If you are still facing any issues, we would suggest switching to another device. Please get in contact with our team if you are still having problems.

Q: How often do you restock items?
A: It varies depending on the item demand, we may not always restock items so if you get in contact with our team at enquiries@redcarpetboutique.com.au we will be able to confirm if a particular item is being restocked or not.